Nancy Iannitelli
Biography & Works

Born 1950 Framingham Massachusetts. Studied at an early age portrait painting with an Old World Masters approach. In recent years Nancy has had a varied style and broad skill-set as “eclectic”. However, upon delving into the immense collection she’s created over 40 years of study and practice, one ascertains, quickly, that Nancy Iannitelli is simply one of those incredulously talented people who can use any raw assemblage of media elements to produce a masterpiece. While it’s true that she boasts a wealth of conventional, crowd-pleasing showpieces in her portfolio, more recently her artistic vigor has skyrocketed with works of Abstract Expressionism, motivated by a newfound sentiment of artistic freedom.
•Summer 1963-1966 Studied portrait painting with Mrs. Daniel Cox, Massachusetts.
•1966 Awarded a summer scholarship at Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
•1969 Attended Vesper George School of Art Boston Mass. under a scholarship.
•1970 Kenneth design Institute.
•1974 Summer study Rhode Island School of design.
•1986-1991 Painted and studied with expressionist and
landscape artist Jaime Alfonso, Chile.
•Attended workshops at MOMA, Weston MA and The Cape Cod School of Expressionist Art.
•1990 Having lived in Massachusetts for 40 years she currently lives and works in Naples, FL